domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

Armor of Life

I buckle the belt of truth around my waist,
so everything I do it's planted in the truth.
With the breastplate of righteousness in place,
I will stand without guilt and fight for my salvation and yours.
Preparing my feet to walk firmly in the gospel of peace.

I will hold ready my shield,
that will cover me with my faith that the Lord won't fail me.
And to defeat every obstacles placed to hurt me,
covered with this shield God will protect me.

God has adorned my head with a helmet,
granting me salvation; protecting it against the wicked.
Holding ready the sword I had sharpened with time and dedication,
Raising it firmly, cutting everything that stands against me in the way to the Lord.

Covered in faith, hope, prayer and wisdom I will stand,
against the enemy of the souls.
To feel the love of God freely and to be in his Holy presence.
So that the truth may be spoken fearlessly.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Find a way

Facing yesterday, with hopes crushed like broken glass.
Facing today, with faithlessness and no reason to walk again.
But still this never ending hope,
sparks a reason to keep going on and on.
To keep on going strong.

Maybe tomorrow I will find,
Maybe a dream I left behind,
Maybe tomorrow I will find a way back to your heart again.

It's not about falling, It's not about failing over and over again.
It's about getting up again, each time we fall down.
Never let go of this undying love,
because we still have hope for tomorrow.

Maybe tomorrow I will find,
Maybe a dream I left behind,
Maybe tomorrow I will find a way back to your heart again.

I have found my way once again,
I am not afraid of yesterday,
because today I have the strength to face tomorrow.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Tangible Love

Weak and broken I couldn't live,
yearning for tomorrow to begin.

Black and white this story goes,
with the song of the poor souls.

It's been a while since when I flew,
To a far away land of dreams and hopes.

No matter how much I tried to let go,
Like white bird feathers your love soften me up.

I realized too little to late I fell in love,
and so we go to the place of summer winds and lovely days.

My dreams became bigger than what I hoped,
and hopes grew tangible and clear like the stars above.

As my glass wings grew stronger each day,
Because you made me try again.

I hope they don't shatter like delicate glass,
raining down with the tears from above.

I felt no pain or sorrow, because from this day forth,
a new beginning made me hope, that an eternity with you was a dream come true

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

His eyes tell a story that begins with our love
            with small hidden secrets, sent down from above. 
My eyes saw beauty, my heart couldn’t lie,
        What a brilliant surprise that I had felt inside!

My heart began to swell, both thumping and beating,
         a sound my shield couldn't hide.
  Sparks flew around us like little bright fireflies,

            I remember it well… what our first kiss was like.

Warmth immediately consumed my body,
        with you holding me tight and close to you.
You're eyes staring straight at mine.

You were slipping through my fingers like a nightmare,
             and your warmth was replaced by coldness as I let you down.
You're body laid on the ground before me,
        the ever-growing blood surrounding you was like a wave of pain…
                         caressing me in the most uncomfortable of ways.

I felt my soul shatter as I stood there hopeless,
        I saw pain as you told me a story of the tragedy surrounding me.
I woke up to see that my dream was real,
         as I saw that mask staring right back at me.
I didn’t see pain or sorrow,
         but I knew of the story the lovely lady behind that scarlet mask had recited.

I didn’t know it, I felt it from within…
     the sorrow and great pain,
            …as I stared at the reflection of what I became.
Behind my mask lie memories that forever will remain.

For only thinking of those memories,
    will the wall I’ve built up crumble…
             until I'm left with merely the scattered remains.

Behind it, little dark secrets are hidden,
            …as I know the story behind who I am, and who I used to be.
            Behind this mask, that will always remain.
Nemesis Villanueva & Nitzabel Burgos