miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Find a way

Facing yesterday, with hopes crushed like broken glass.
Facing today, with faithlessness and no reason to walk again.
But still this never ending hope,
sparks a reason to keep going on and on.
To keep on going strong.

Maybe tomorrow I will find,
Maybe a dream I left behind,
Maybe tomorrow I will find a way back to your heart again.

It's not about falling, It's not about failing over and over again.
It's about getting up again, each time we fall down.
Never let go of this undying love,
because we still have hope for tomorrow.

Maybe tomorrow I will find,
Maybe a dream I left behind,
Maybe tomorrow I will find a way back to your heart again.

I have found my way once again,
I am not afraid of yesterday,
because today I have the strength to face tomorrow.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Tangible Love

Weak and broken I couldn't live,
yearning for tomorrow to begin.

Black and white this story goes,
with the song of the poor souls.

It's been a while since when I flew,
To a far away land of dreams and hopes.

No matter how much I tried to let go,
Like white bird feathers your love soften me up.

I realized too little to late I fell in love,
and so we go to the place of summer winds and lovely days.

My dreams became bigger than what I hoped,
and hopes grew tangible and clear like the stars above.

As my glass wings grew stronger each day,
Because you made me try again.

I hope they don't shatter like delicate glass,
raining down with the tears from above.

I felt no pain or sorrow, because from this day forth,
a new beginning made me hope, that an eternity with you was a dream come true